The entire premise that there are false beliefs to create wealth is a huge leap in awareness. Many people understand that beliefs and psychology are important. And many people who've read books like "The Secret" and who have missed the point still, after all these years, are no further ahead financially.
Maybe they have these false beliefs about creating abundance...
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Doug Allen at Toronto TPG |
Creating Abundance - 2 False Beliefs In Attracting Wealth
Creating abundance has become a popular subject of discussion recently, especially since the release of The Secret. As people talk about this specific subject, it is inevitable that wrong beliefs would arise. In this particular article I will dispel those myths.
If you observe the suggestion in this particular article you’ll find your work with creating abundance a lot more simpler, flowing and useful. Sadly, if you continue to play by the rules of these myths, your entire task of creating abundance will be much harder than it should.
In my personal experience, creating abundance must happen from a place of ease, peace and flow. Anything that detracts from this state, creates resistance. If you resist then you could be harassed thus blocking the flow of wealth into your life. To discover how to create more flow in your life take a look at my free Attracting Abundance Blueprint.
Wrong Belief #1: You should think positive thoughts all the time!
Yet again, speaking from my own experience and my clients would agree with me when I say that this isn’t true. You actually can’t control what exactly to think each and every minute of the day. The task is just not possible.
In addition, when you force your self to do that, you could be disappointed with yourself if you are a bit pessimistic. It can turn into a bad cycle as you resist more.
To break out of this dreaded cycle just choose to let go of disapproving of your self for having detrimental thoughts. Just consider no matter that enters your mind.
Of course, you’d choose to just have optimistic ideas, but disapproving of yourself or making an attempt to alter what is, is counter-productive.
Instead, put aside small periods of time during the day so as to imagine your objective as accomplished. Through these occasions, just be optimistic and truly feel that you have already accomplished what you’ve always dreamt of.
As you constantly apply yourself during these set periods, you will realize that your habitual ideas naturally shift to being optimistic. You would be surprised that you do not have to try as hard for the reason that this occurs naturally.
This is a tough one. It is believed that folks can attract whatever thing they actually desire at once.
It is vital to actually believe that you could attain what you actually desire. Regrettably, regardless of how much we could consciously force ourselves to believe something, our unconscious mind may have different ideas .
This is just a realism of having grown up in the world surrounding us. Again, there is no use fighting or resisting it. You need to allow it to be part of life and deal with it.
To be able to achieve something, it’s a lot better to start with small objectives. In doing so, you possibly can develop the method of really believing you could possibly reach it then you could possibly shoot\aim for your greater objectives. This would actually make things a lot better.
Those are far away the 2 greatest and most harmful myths when it comes to creating abundance. Your next step after reading this article is to be aware of how you’re creating resistance once you mechanically suppose negative thoughts. Next decide to let go of that resistance.
View the original article here
So you can see that it IS important to make sure that you're not going around with bad beliefs about creating wealth.
One of the worst of these beliefs is that positive intent is ALL that's required. It's not.
There are millions of broke people with positive intent.
What's required is an alignment of positive beliefs that will drive you to take the necessary actions to create the results you want.
Now here's a second topic from the same source, all about the meaning of money.
If your beliefs about money aren't congruent with your goals, you'll always stay stuck right where you're at.
The Meaning of Money
Welcome to my 3rd step to creating wealth and success in your life and today I want to share with you the meaning of money. (please make sure you have read step 1 and step 2 first).
Money is one of the most emotional subjects on the planet. In fact, many people feel more comfortable sharing the intimate details of their sex lives with friends than sharing the intimate details of their finances.
Yet the purpose of money is simply to allow the smooth exchange of goods and services. So what is it that gives money its emotional power? One answer is that we do. And one way we do it is by giving those pieces of metal or paper, or even numbers on a piece of paper, MEANING.
We can do this literally, as in “This cheque = my phone bill” or “This $5 = lunch”, so if we lose the $5, in our minds, we’ve just lost our lunch. Often, the meaning is even more metaphoric. “Money is freedom of choice” or “Money is love made visible” or even “Money is the root of all evil”.
This is important because whatever meaning you attach to money, it is either drawing it closer or pushing it away. Trying to live a rich life when you have a poor relationship with money is like trying to drive a car with one foot on the accelerator and the other foot on the brakes.
You may make some progress, but no matter how hard you try you never really get anywhere. Are your beliefs and associations with money programmed for poverty or for creating wealth?
By heightening your awareness of your beliefs about money, you can begin to make sense of many of your emotions and behaviours when dealing with it and by changing them you can transform the emotional impact of money in your life.
After all, would you rather work half your life for freedom of choice or for the root of all evil? Here are some of the most common beliefs people hold that keep them from creating money and wealth in their lives:
Money corrupts – There is an inherent mistrust of wealth in our society, most of it based on the underlying assumption that money corrupts. But the reality is, money doesn’t corrupt – it reveals. Many wonderful people are doing amazingly positive things with their money. Why not you?
There is not enough money to go round – Money is not a zero-sum game – it’s an infinite game, and the more people who are playing it the more money there is to go around.
Provided you are spending money and not just hoarding it, the more money you make the more money will be circulating in the system. The richer you become, the richer you will be making others.
I don’t want to make money because I’m scared that I will lose it – That’s like saying I don’t want to eat a nice meal because I’m scared that I’ll have to flush it down the toilet.
The purpose of money isn’t to keep it for ever, it’s to use it. Once you learn the secrets of creating wealth, you’ll realise that as long as you can think, you have the ability to make more money.
One final thought.
You cannot create abundance. Abundance already exists. What you must do is raise your level of awareness to the abundance that already exists and learn how to tap into it. You must learn how to align with that abundance and have it flow to you and through you to others.