The only thing I would add is that the outcome better be "how to MASTER Jay Abraham's teachings" and not just study them. :)
I really liked this post in the thread:
Here is my take on studying Jay Abraham and put it to work immediately.
Jay Abraham teaches about 10 key concepts. See whether you can take one or two concepts by going through first 6-10 hours of Jay Abrahams Proteges seminar .
In the 20th hour or so , there is a person by name Harry Pickens comes and provides an excellent summary of all the Jay's teaching and gives more practical examples.
The whole audio is only about 60 hours, so, If you listen one or two hours a day , you will be done in 2 months. (This is worth it! You can do it while you drive/workout as No Extra Time (N.E.T) time.)
The key is not listening/Studying, but putting it to work immediately. There are plenty of opportunities in the small business to apply these techniques with or without Internet marketing. So, I would suggest to focus on the key concepts (outlined below) and go from there!.
The key concepts of Jay are
1) Heavy use of a business's existing customers for re-selling or selling high priced products a.k.a up-selling ( he calls it a BACKEND sale). This rework of the existing list provides
easy reach compared acquiring new customers. Most small business do not even have a list. (So, as a consultant you can help a business to setup a procedure to collect names,
emails of a customer and help them to reach out through your Internet Marketing ideas).
2) USP --> Unique selling proposition. This gives unique positioning to the business and gives the answer for the question "Why Should I buy from you ?"
This articulates "What makes your business unique, new, different, cheap,faster,cooler ( from the customers mind) ?"
You may Help a small business for free to setup a USP to put it to work (a hair cutter, a dry clean service , a tennis instructor etc., ) and may even get a free hair cut (or massage from that pretty girl) or a free tennis lessonr as a Bartering for your consulting on the side!
3) Leverage
How to use the existing setup in a more efficient way, How to maximize results with minimal effort. For example, a small business may be spending advertising $$ and under using sales force. You can help them redirect it and get maximum value.
4) Testing --> Small prototype with few attributes of your marketing. To test which one works better.
5) Direct response --> A nice direct sales letter with a "call to action"
6) Life time value --> teach small business the meaning of life time value of a customer. For example a happy customer who dry cleans a shirt for 1.99$ may repeate 5 years which may translate to $$$$ . This is to think long term and not one time deal!
7) HOST-PARASITE --> sell a product through another product channel where the customers already trust the channel. Through a JV,
8) RISK reversal --> how to provide a compelling case by saying things like "if you are not satisfied in 3 months, get a refund etc., ". How to come up with many risk reducing strategies , so the customer is not hesitant to buy.
9) UNDERSTAND SETUPS...and generating marketing ideas
10) How to interview and how to incorporate suggestions while asking questions !
Hope this gives you enough reason to invest your 20 hours and get a start!
Couple all the above with the "freehunk4you" post on video,write a copy of their page etc., You will do very well!
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