How to Make a Million Dollars in One Year

Hey everybody... Doug Allen here again...

I found a very short article that pretty much sums up how to make a million dollars in a year.  It's really very simple once you increase your awareness and focus on providing value and solutions to other people instead of focusing just on how to get money for yourself.

It's a quick read, but don't overlook the value of the points being made here....


There you have it. The question just about every poor and middle-class person in the world would love to know. Do the rich people want to know? The truth is, most of them know already. They have either already done it or know what it takes and are still working on it. The only thing is the answer cannot be given in words but in experiences.

In order to make one million dollars in one year you must first become the type of person who can make one million dollars in one year, and to become that person is not easy enough for most people to accomplish due to mental laziness or lack of passion and desire.

It is not your skill or talent that will make you one million dollars in one year. It is something internal, something of the mind. It is something you must learn through time and experience. It is ultimately the people you allow to influence you and how you influence other people. Can you contribute or find a solution to what the masses need?

Money, dollars, pounds, lira, yen or dinero is made from paper but it originates to you from the hands of people. The only way to create one million dollars in a year is to either steal it wrongfully or to create a solution for people. Either way is possible and equally as difficult or easy. 

First you must create the solution, then set a price 'they' are willing to pay, and finally create enough ways (it is very important to use multiple mediums to reach others) to reach enough people to accumulate the profit goal you have set, in this case one million dollars.

It's a fact that many people make one million dollars in a year. It's a fact that many people have gone from being broke to making one million dollars or more in a year. 

It's also a fact that a handful of internet marketers have sold 1 million dollars in less that a day. Now I should mention that the planning to make 1 million in a day took several months combined with the experiences learned from years. What determines how fast you are able to accomplish this task is how much you are willing to change and how much you are willing to give both of yourself and to the betterment of others.

You may have heard the saying "If you keep on doing what you're doing, you'll always get what you've always got." How true. And in words there is no better way of explaining how you can make one
million dollars in one year.

Some people can change on cue while others never change. The best way you can begin change is by consciously desiring to change and improve so that you are able to accomplish your desired goal. Success is not a destination but a journey and the man or woman who wants to make one billion in a year will find out how and follow the same path that powerful leaders and the mega rich have followed in the past. 

Consider what you really enjoy. Consider how your hobbies or interests can help others and then create the ultimate solution to people's problems. The rest is just marketing and proper persuasion. Easier said than done, but easier than what most people give themselves credit for.

Anyone can go from rags to riches. Are you ready to become the next millionaire?

So there you have it.  Another example of how really simple this is, and how people who fail overlook the most basic concept of providing a solution to a problem that a lot of people have.

First pick a group a people with a common problem, then sell them a solution.  It really is that simple! :)

Let me know what you think on facebook...

And of course Andre Yeager's article is fun to read... 


How To Make A Million Dollars In A Year Starting From Scratch!

Posted in Idea of the WEEK, Online Business, by Andrea Yager View Comments
So you want to make a million dollars this year?
Yes, I am talking to YOU. How do I know you are here? Because my search stats tells me that everyday hundreds of people are finding this page by searching any number of variations on making a million in a year.

If you scroll down you can see the original blog post that was written that attracted Google, etc. to this page. It’s still a good post, and has good information, but lets be serious. We want to make a LOT of sick cash, and NOW. So, the action plan is to read the blog post, but also.. and FIRST, to consider this.

You could have searched to make Ten Thousand dollars. You could have searched to make One hundred thousand in a year. You could have searched even to make $500,000 this year. But you didn’t. You searched on how to make a million dollars. You are serious. you are game on. And you are in the RIGHT Place.

So if you would like access to this information then sign up to this special email and the report for making 1 million in a year will be on it’s way. I don’t want to run the risk of just posting the information here and allowing it to leak to the public at large.. so if you are serious. You know what to do:

Read on to find the original blog post on the subject: …

Here was the challenge My Mr. X posed me with in this post last month (be sure to read the comments on that post – good stuff!) :

Assuming you currently do not have a web presence and no other online assets, how can you make 1 million dollars in 12 months?

First of all, Mr X is becoming a way overused moniker for someone who makes a crapload of money but wants to remain anonymous .. We are given the impression that people would be stalking and calling him all hours of the day, beating his secrets out of him. Mr X is getting a new name, since any Mr X I consort with is WAY cooler and simply cant share his title of Mr X with a bunch of other zombie face millionaires. Any Suggestions? Agent Money maybe?

Back to the money:

This is a unique challenge since MOST people have some leg to stand on… some ‘stuff’ in their arsenal.

Here we are just waking up one day.. and deciding to become an online millionaire.

To that I say… NO PROBLEM!!
See?  Making a million dollars is fun and easy!!  Just ask somebody who is selling an ebook on how to do it!!!!  One of the things you can learn from Andrea's article is this -just get started.  It will never be the perfect time to start, and yet it will always be the perfect time to start.  Geez.... that sounds like something the old dude in karate kid would have said.  Today IS the perfect time to start.  NOW is the perfect time to start.  All you have is now. :)

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